

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

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22 June 2021

Under-18s who want nude pictures or videos of themselves removed from the internet can now report the images through an online tool.

The service - from the Internet Watch Foundation and Childline - aims to help children who have been groomed, or whose partners have posted photos of them online.

The IWF will examine the images and try and remove them if they break the law.

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20 October 2016

Social media is a great way to share with friends and people all over the world. It can be a lot of fun and there are so many apps and tools to allow ourselves to be creative. We do need to be careful though, and aware there are many people, adults and children who also use social media and may want to harm or upset us.

10 December 2015

'We’re not talking about endless photos of your dinner, a running commentary about your gym sessions or the oversharing of how good or bad your latest relationship is going. Here we discuss things that REALLY shouldn’t be on social media or risk serious privacy ramifications.'

Read the article here.

02 November 2015

“Didn’t you audition for the musical? People told me you sounded like a dying pig.”

UPtv conducted a social experiment for its new anti-bullying PSA that questioned if anyone would actually stand up against bullying in an increasingly detached society.

With the help of three young actresses, the stage was set at a bus stop where one of the girls gets tormented by her two “schoolmates”.

Pedestrians who overheard the verbal attacks stood up for the teenager, while some invited the victim to get up and sit with them instead.

Watch the uplifting responses below and learn more about what you can do to put an end to bullying here.

26 May 2015

How does Facebook know who your friends are? It's a mystery that has nagged users since at least 2011, when the Irish Data Protection Commissioner conducted a full-scale investigation into the issue. But four years later, there's still a lot of confusion and misinformation about what Facebook's doing when it "finds" your friends.

Did it scrape your phone for names and numbers? Run a reverse-image search of your picture? Compile a "shadow" or "ghost" profile on you over a period of years, just waiting for you to log on and "confirm" its guesses?

Alas, Facebook's actual process isn't actually that sneaky or malicious. In fact, it involves this pretty complex academic field called ... network science.

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30 September 2013

The Digital Citizen Pledge

Digital citizens pledge to...

Communicate responsibly and kindly with one another

Protect our own and others' private information online

Stand up to cyberbullying

Respect each other's ideas and opinions

Give proper credit when we use others' work.

Fill in your own!


The poster outlines the different items that your students will agree to, and even leaves some space to write in additional items that you and your class can create and agree to together. It is designed to be signed by your students and kept in the classroom as a reminder. You can download the poster here.