Effective filtering is not a one-size-fits-all solution that can be implemented and forgotten. Instead, it requires ongoing vigilance, collaboration, and education to tailor practices to specific community needs.
Tagged with filtering
Keeping children safe in education 2023
Statutory guidance for schools and colleges
The 2023 version will come into force on 1 September
In terms of online safety and safeguarding there are changes to the guidance on filtering and monitoring. You can access further support on this here: DfE guidance on filtering and monitoring March 2023
LGFL has clear support for DSLs including videos here
DfE guidance on Filtering and monitoring standards for schools and colleges. March 2023
SWGFL has created the Test Filtering tool to ensure that school, public and personal internet connections are able to block out harmful online content.
Important #esafety information relating to safe internet searches for schools
Ofcom report on Internet Safety measures by Internet Service Providers:
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