The social media platform Telegram uses an algorithm that promotes extremist content, a new study shared exclusively with the BBC has revealed.
Parents/Carers News
“I get a lot of hate”. The words of content creator Winta Zesu, who last year made $150,000 (£117,000) from posting on social media.
What separates Winta from other influencers? The people commenting on her posts and driving traffic to her videos are often doing so out of anger.
“Every single video of mine that has gained millions of views is because of hate comments,” the 24-year-old explains.
'When I was a teenager in 2013, these filters were available in their early forms on Instagram and Snapchat, since TikTok wasn’t yet invented. Even though the filters I used back then were relatively crude compared to today’s offerings, they still consumed my life – and my self-perception'
“Whenever there’s a gap in medicine, predators take advantage,” said Dr Gunter.
There is no evidence that highly restricted calorie diets have any positive effect, and the keto diet may make symptoms worse. Birth control pills do not cause PCOS and in fact help many women, though they don’t work for everyone. There is no known root cause for PCOS and there is no cure.
Facebook has admitted that it scrapes the public photos, posts and other data from the accounts of Australian adult users to train its AI models. Unlike citizens of the European Union (EU), Australians are not offered an opt-out option to refuse consent.
Stalking victims are set to be given improved protection from their abusers under newly revealed government proposals.
Additional rights for those who have been stalked include knowing the identity of online stalkers as soon as possible, the Home Office said.
Home Secretary Yvette Cooper pledged the government will use "every tool available" to take power away from abusers.
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