

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

 Tagged with safeguarding

13 March 2023

Tate’s views may appeal to teenagers, but he is currently detained, awaiting trial for rape and human trafficking. He denies all allegations, and has pledged $100m (£85m) to start a charity in his will for men faced with false accusations.

Tate was banned from Twitter for saying women should “bear responsibility” for being raped.

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08 March 2023

In recent years, people around the world have lost hundreds of millions of dollars to online romance scams.

One of the most lucrative of these, being run by criminal gangs across South East Asia, is called the “pig butchering romance scam”.

The scammers refer to their victims as pigs, whom they fatten up to be "butchered" - or conned, out of as much money as possible.

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