

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Useful Resources for Adults who work with Young People

26 November 2013

'From the Internet to the iPod, technologies are transforming our society and empowering us as speakers, citizens, creators, and consumers. When our freedoms in the networked world come under attack, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is the first line of defense. EFF broke new ground when it was founded in 1990—well before the Internet was on most people's radar—and continues to confront cutting-edge issues defending free speech, privacy, innovation, and consumer rights today. From the beginning, EFF has championed the public interest in every critical battle affecting digital rights'


Read more here.

19 November 2013

'Recently we’ve seen the rise of a new wave of startups that give far more control back to users. They have avoided the public nature of Twitter and the – sometimes toxic – vagueness of Facebook which has happily moved from a private network to one where, frankly, you’re never quite sure what is public or not.'


Read the full article here.

08 November 2013

AVG writes;

'Facebook, Google and more than a thousand other companies collect data about you online. Until now there has been no easy way to understand and control data collection. AVG PrivacyFix checks your privacy exposure on Facebook, Google and LinkedIn, and with one click, takes you to settings where you can fix it. Block over 1,200 trackers from following your movements online. See which websites reserve the right to sell your personal data and easily request that they delete what they hold on you. Get alerted to privacy risks as you visit sites and know when policies change.

And because we no longer live our digital lives just on a PC, you can download the apps and manage your privacy on your mobile and tablet too.'

Download the app here

31 October 2013

'Facebook is in the process of a privacy shift that would let all users be discovered via Graph Search.

The company reminded users earlier this month that it is phasing out the "Who can look up your timeline by name," Facebook privacy feature that allowed people to essentially opt-out of being discoverable within Graph Search.

Here's how you can make sure that you don't get unwanted attention or unfamilar friend requests as a result of this Facebook privacy change.' Read the full article on

30 October 2013

The article in The Guardian contains some strong and abusive language and shows how James Blunt is beating the online bullies. This would be a useful resource to use with older students.


Read the article here

24 October 2013

Zipit helps you get flirty chat back on the right track. It's packed with killer comebacks and top tips to help you stay in control of your chat game.

Save images onto your device and share them with your friends!

Share images on Facebook, Twitter, BBM or via email

Find out how to deal with a sexting crisis

Get advice to help you flirt without failing

Call ChildLine or save the number to your phone

You can also share images from Zipit through other apps like Whatsapp or Instagram, depending on what kind of phone you have and what apps you have on your phone.


More infomation and download the app