A useful site that lists many of the most common socialmedia sites, with direct links to the areas to delete your account.
Useful Resources for Adults who work with Young People
One person's experience of a posthumous tweeting service. Read the article here.
The e-Safety Policy is vitally important in school for a number of reasons, including:
To ensure there is a clear and consistent approach responding to incidents.
To ensure that every person responsible for the children is fully aware of his/her responsibilities.
To set boundaries of use (goalposts) of any school owned IT equipment, or personal IT equipment used in the school.
The following is a short "10 top tips" for creating your e-safety policy in school. There are many more, but these are some of the common ones that schools miss:
What is the connection between Social Networks and Being Lonely?
Inspired and Based on the wonderful book by Sherry Turkle - Alone Together.
An essay on privacy, sharing and why we as a society are ill prepared for social media. Read the essay here.
These call out cards cover many of the common and important areas of digital citizenship including textual harrassment. Perhaps your students could create further examples for their own use?
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