Digital Parenting is created for parents and schoolteachers to help them give children the life skills they need to thrive in the always-connected digital world. We hope it will give you essential knowledge and help build your confidence as you guide your children through the challenges of life online.
With the Cambridge Analytica news, there has been lots of talk in the media about leaving Facebook, but do we really have to leave Facebook to protect our privacy? And if we decide to leave, how can we do that?
The new interactive BBC iReporter game - aimed at youngsters aged 11 to 18 - gives you the chance to take on the role of a journalist in the BBC newsroom.
It is a "choose your own adventure" game, created by Aardman Animations, which challenges you to make your own decisions on which sources, political claims, social media comments and pictures should be trusted as you contribute to the day's news output.
Media Smart and First News have come together to create the Boys’ Biggest Conversation – a campaign to encourage young men, across the UK, to talk about body image and the effect it has on their mental wellbeing.
There’s a person attached to every body, respect both.
Healthy relationships are all about respecting each other. You should feel loved, safe and free to be yourself.
But disrespectful and unacceptable behaviour can come in many forms. It isn’t limited to just physical behaviour; it can also go way beyond that. For example, it’s not OK for someone to try and pressure you into sending a nude pic, or to expect the same things to happen that they’ve seen in a porn film. If someone makes you do something you don’t want to, makes you feel scared, intimidated or tries controlling you, it’s not acceptable and is never OK.
Read up on the different types of abuse, get advice and have a look at the organisations that can help.
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