An interesting development relating to drones and privacy. If this product goes ahead then people will be able to use control a drone via their mobile, 'spy' and record and then pack the drone away without anyone seeing them.
Adults who work with Young People News
'THREATS made to a teacher on Facebook have prompted a headmaster to send home a letter warning parents that they could face legal action for defamation.
Following abusive comments on the website, Tom Gittins, headteacher of Hartburn Primary in Stockton, has urged parents to consider carefully what they say on the internet.'
Even if you've never embarrassed yourself by unknowingly spreading an urban legend as fact to friends and family, you've at least been on the receiving end of one of these misinformed messages. Next time an email, tweet, or link seems a little fishy, here's how to spot it before your itchy trigger finger sends it to all your friends or followers.
Today launch their new Safety Centre, which contains advice and guidance for parents and users of the site.
Access the resource here.
For people with no sense of direction, Google Maps is godsend – as long as you're relaxed about giving your data to digital marketers and GCHQ
In a recent interview, David Cameron revealed he worries about the influence of technology on his children. The Prime Minister has banned them from having a mobile phone or a tablet computer – but is he fighting a losing battle? Lucy Richardson,of The Northern Echo, reports.
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