All schoolchildren must be taught a "curriculum for life" that helps them deal with modern issues such as sexting and revenge porn, Nicky Morgan, the education secretary, has said.
All schoolchildren must be taught a "curriculum for life" that helps them deal with modern issues such as sexting and revenge porn, Nicky Morgan, the education secretary, has said.
For those heading into the teaching profession in a web-dominated world, scrutiny doesn't end with the job interview. Teachers in the digital generation have to manage their online personas all the time. No one wants to lose out on a dream job over an ill-advised tweet, or a dodgy Instagram photo.
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Schools need to check the security of their websites in light of the following news article which indicates that a primary school's site has been hacked in the North East.
A police investigation is under way after it was revealed dozens of secondary school pupils have been targeted in a string of "sexting" attacks.
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