Adults who work with Young People News
The UK's Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) has published new guidelines aimed at helping app developers abide by data protection laws.
The ICO has also published advice for smartphone and tablet users on how to keep control of their personal information, after finding that many are concerned about how their data is being used by apps
What happens when a company that knows everything about everyone, controls robots designed for the miliary?
'Google have apparently been buying up lots of robotics firms lately – eight in the last six months – with a view to some unspecified future robotics projects, under the command of the guy who ran the Android phone bit of the company for a while.
What is particularly interesting, though, is that Boston Dynamics has multi-million-dollar contracts with the US military's advanced research division, Darpa, for the production of human-like and other robots.'
Read the article here
The National Security Agency is gathering nearly 5 billion records a day on the whereabouts of cellphones around the world, according to top-secret documents and interviews with U.S. intelligence officials, enabling the agency to track the movements of individuals — and map their relationships — in ways that would have been previously unimaginable. Read the full Washington Post article here.
Young people are anonymously bullying and trolling themselves online in what some are calling cyber self-harm. Why?
Internet trolling is on the increase, according to recent reports. When people are bombarded with abuse and threats on social networking sites the common assumption is that a stranger is doing it, but it's not always the case.
Some people do it to themselves.
It's known as self-trolling or self-cyberbullying and some charities and social media experts say it is part of another emerging problem they are calling cyber or digital self-harm. Read the article here.
And so it begins... California-based Glass Explorer Cecilia Adabie is the first person to get a ticket while wearing Google's head-mounted computer. And she won't be the last.
Abadie was driving in San Diego when an officer pulled her over for speeding. The primary infraction was for going 15 mph over the speed limit, but there was a secondary offense scrawled on the ticket: "driving w/ monitor visible to driver (Google Glass)."
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