A YouTube tutorial on setting Facebook settings. Important to note that Facebook changes settings frequently - this video is from August 2013.
A YouTube tutorial on setting Facebook settings. Important to note that Facebook changes settings frequently - this video is from August 2013.
Attitudes around, gender, stereotyping and double standards on social media are complex and hard to change. This powerful video by a 13 year old girl is articulate, engaging and poses a great many questions that could be useful in supporting our own young people.
An interesting blog post on the subject of how, with today's technologies, we are more connected but also more alone.
One person's experience of a posthumous tweeting service. Read the article here.
What is the connection between Social Networks and Being Lonely?
Inspired and Based on the wonderful book by Sherry Turkle - Alone Together.
An essay on privacy, sharing and why we as a society are ill prepared for social media. Read the essay here.
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