Lyndsey Scott is a New York City model working for Prada, Gucci and Victoria's Secret. She's also an iOS programmer with two apps she created available in the Apple store.
Useful things for young people aged 14 and over
For those who want to cut the cord with their internet identities, Who Is Hosting This has created a detailed guide that illustrates how you can completely disappear online. It starts with the simple stuff — like how to delete your Facebook accounts — and then gets more extreme. There are ways to falsify un-deletable accounts and even erase search results.
See the infographic here
'Google Street View is brilliant. It finds us when we're lost, it shows us where we are, it reveals places we'll never get to visit, and so on and so forth. But you know what's even more amazing? The crazy neural network that Street View is built on..'
Sinister or helpful?
An online activity that provides helpful guidance on how to keep your data and personal information more secure.
A fascinating paper on the rise of big data, our loss of privacy and possibly, ultimately, our freedom. Read the article here.
A useful resource for 'body image', gender, role models and the media.
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