

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

 Tagged with study

05 February 2025

Banning phones in schools is not linked to pupils getting higher grades or having better mental wellbeing, the first study of its kind suggests.

Students' sleep, classroom behaviour, exercise or how long they spend on their phones overall also seems to be no different for schools with phone bans and schools without, the academics found.

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10 December 2021

Schools and parents should do more to support students who are being sexually harassed through platforms such as Snapchat and Instagram, while the tech companies need to clamp down on non-consensual sexual images being sent to young people, according to new research released on Monday.

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11 September 2018

Social Media, Social Life: Teens Reveal Their Experiences sheds light on teens' changing social media habits and why some kids are more deeply affected by -- and connected to -- their digital worlds. The report is a nationally representative survey of more than 1,000 kids age 13 to 17. And because it tracks changes from 2012 to today, we can see how teens' social media use continues to evolve. Read the full report.

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05 October 2015

Nearly half of teenagers surveyed in new study stated cyberbullying is bigger problem than drug abuse and as many as one in five teenagers has been subjected to cyberbullying, a study has found.

Read the article here