

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

 Tagged with safeguarding

03 September 2019

Andrew Hall, Safeguarding specialist, has provided a detailed review of the new Ofsted Inspection Framework for September 2019.

'The new Ofsted Education Inspection Framework for September 2019 has been published. Whilst there are a number of broader changes, this article is concerned only with the inspection of safeguarding.'

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01 July 2019

The 2019 Keeping children safe in education
Statutory final draft guidance for schools and colleges on safeguarding children and safer recruitment.

This guidance applies to all schools and is for:

headteachers, teachers and staff

governing bodies, proprietors and management committees

It sets out the legal duties you must follow to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people under the age of 18 in schools and colleges.

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01 July 2019

The Department for Education (DfE) has published statutory guidance about how Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education should be implemented in all schools across England by 2020 (DfE, 2019a). Schools are encouraged to implement the new curriculum from September 2019.

Read more and access the NSPCC briefing.

14 December 2018

What is the legal position when it comes to videos and photographs of school events? Are schools able to impose a blanket ban?

And if you ignore the school’s policy, what legal action can they take against you? Can you also ask a picture posted on social media featuring your child to be taken down?

Here’s guidance, from a solicitor at DAS Law.

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In more simple terms; You don't have the right to share images of other people's children and you should be mindful  there will be children who will be at risk of harm if their image is shared online.


More on this subject can be found here