

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

 Tagged with guidance

16 October 2022

Who is this for?
This guidance is aimed at professionals in education settings working with children and young people. It aims to help them better understand, recognise and respond to victim blaming language and behaviour within their settings when discussing or responding to the online experiences of children and young people.

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03 September 2022

Parents and carers have been asking the platform for more parental controls for years. They want to understand more about how those in their care use the app while also keeping them safer. After nearly one year in development, the promised parental control feature has finally arrived – Snapchat Family Center.

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28 June 2022

Gina Neff, professor of technology and society at University of Oxford, tweeted the day after the ruling: "Right now, and I mean this instant, delete every digital trace of any menstrual tracking."

Her message has so far received more than 200,000 likes and been retweeted 54,000 times.

Period trackers are used to help women predict when their next period is likely to be, and are often used to either try to prevent pregnancy or to try to conceive.

There are fears that the apps could be used to punish those seeking a termination, if law enforcement got hold of the data.

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