An interesting blog post on the subject of how, with today's technologies, we are more connected but also more alone.
An interesting blog post on the subject of how, with today's technologies, we are more connected but also more alone.
One person's experience of a posthumous tweeting service. Read the article here.
What is the connection between Social Networks and Being Lonely?
Inspired and Based on the wonderful book by Sherry Turkle - Alone Together.
These call out cards cover many of the common and important areas of digital citizenship including textual harrassment. Perhaps your students could create further examples for their own use?
We like these posters on Digital Citizenship and that the creator encourages all teachers to share their resources too.
Positive and clear messages to share in your classroom and school.
'How you act online is important. Not just because everything is stored, backed up, and freely available to anyone with a keyboard. But because your online reputation is actually just your reputation. There's really no difference between online and offline anymore.
Microsoft has just unveiled a new (free) curriculum that's all about digital citizenship, intellectual property rights, and creative content. Read more here.
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