Parents and carers have been asking the platform for more parental controls for years. They want to understand more about how those in their care use the app while also keeping them safer. After nearly one year in development, the promised parental control feature has finally arrived – Snapchat Family Center.
Useful resources for Parents and Carers
What is BeReal?
A mobile phone app, it notifies users when the two-minute time limit to post begins – Time to BeReal.
Children moving to secondary school may change the way they use their online space.
This guide is designed to keep parents/carers and their children informed so they can stay safe online
You are not alone
Are you worried someone might share your intimate images online? Has this already happened to you?
This resource provides practical guidance and support.
iNEQE's safety guide.
Telegram is one of the many messaging apps available that may be more familiar due to bad press instead of good reviews. This online safety article unpacks how this app works, the controversies that surround it, the safety concerns and risks it poses to children and young people and our top tips on staying safe.
The new interactive website encourages 4-7s to engage safely online by helping them to recognise worrying, upsetting or scary situations and reinforcing the key message that they should ‘Tell A Grown Up’ in these instances.
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