

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

 Tagged with policy

10 March 2015

This is an advice and information document issued by the Department for Education. The advice is non-statutory, and has been produced to help recipients understand some of

the key principles and their obligations and duties in relation to the Data Protection Act 1998 (the DPA), particularly when considering moving some or all of their software services to internet-based "cloud" service provision.

Download here

11 February 2015

'The Kent e-Safety Strategy group comprises of school staff, Kent County Council Officers, child safeguarding officers, Connexions, Libraries and Archives, Kent Police and other children's workforce professionals. We work to support the work of the Kent e-Safety Officer to develop advice and guidance on online safety for schools, settings and professionals working with children and young people in Kent. We work with the Kent Education Safeguarding Team and the Kent Safeguarding Children Board.'

Read more and access the templates and documents here.

19 August 2013

The e-Safety Policy is vitally important in school for a number of reasons, including:

To ensure there is a clear and consistent approach responding to incidents.

To ensure that every person responsible for the children is fully aware of his/her responsibilities.

To set boundaries of use (goalposts) of any school owned IT equipment, or personal IT equipment used in the school.

The following is a short "10 top tips" for creating your e-safety policy in school. There are many more, but these are some of the common ones that schools miss:

Read the full article here