29 June 2017
We can all play a part in helping keep children safe from bullying and cyberbullying - whether it's happening at school, at home or online.
NSPCC's advice and support for parents and carers and schools. Read more
We can all play a part in helping keep children safe from bullying and cyberbullying - whether it's happening at school, at home or online.
NSPCC's advice and support for parents and carers and schools. Read more
In recent years cyberbullying has overtaken traditional forms of bullying, with 12% of children now experiencing cyberbullying compared to 9% face-to-face (Net Children Go Mobile, 2014).
Cyberbullying is a form of bullying, and can have a significant impact on young people’s mental health and wellbeing and can leave them feeling isolated and lonely. It is critical therefore that teachers and professionals understand cyberbullying and know how to prevent and respond to cyberbullying incidents.
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