Planning to talk to your child about sex, relationships and their lives online can be tricky. Find lots of advice about these complex areas here.
Useful resources for Parents and Carers
'We’re not talking about endless photos of your dinner, a running commentary about your gym sessions or the oversharing of how good or bad your latest relationship is going. Here we discuss things that REALLY shouldn’t be on social media or risk serious privacy ramifications.'
More and more teenagers and young people are getting involved in cyber crime. Many do it for fun without realising the consequences of their actions – but the penalties can be severe.
Cyber crime isn’t a victimless crime. The National Crime Agency and police take cyber crime extremely seriously and will make every effort to identify and prosecute offenders.
This report examines children’s media literacy. It provides detailed evidence on media use, attitudes and understanding among children and young people aged 5-15, as well as
detailed information about the media access and use of young children aged 3-4.
The report also includes findings relating to parents’ views about their children’s media use, and the ways that parents seek – or decide not – to monitor or limit use of different types of media.
“Didn’t you audition for the musical? People told me you sounded like a dying pig.”
UPtv conducted a social experiment for its new anti-bullying PSA that questioned if anyone would actually stand up against bullying in an increasingly detached society.
With the help of three young actresses, the stage was set at a bus stop where one of the girls gets tormented by her two “schoolmates”.
Pedestrians who overheard the verbal attacks stood up for the teenager, while some invited the victim to get up and sit with them instead.
Watch the uplifting responses below and learn more about what you can do to put an end to bullying here.
'Being bullied, getting spam or moving on from a relationship - there are many reasons to block people online.
Depending on the platform you're using, different things happen, but the general rule is that it stops that user from communicating with you.
But when you hit that block button on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or WhatsApp, it doesn't necessarily mean you are totally hidden from them.'
BBC's Newsbeat has clear guidance on each of the more popular socoalmedia apps.
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