A bleak film which tells the story of how teenager Kayleigh Haywood was groomed online by a stranger and then brutally raped and murdered has been released by police.
Tagged with social media
This week Instagram announced three new tools which give users more control over their profiles. These tools allow users to control comments on their posts, edit follower lists on private accounts and anonymously report when they think their friends need help.
A practical educational sexting resource that addresses and questions the sensitive issue of sending sexually explicit messages or photos electronically.
The pack comprises of a 25-minute play script and lesson plans that seek to educate and enlighten young people about the consequences of creating and sending indecent images.
The best way to stop yourself from becoming a victim is to be very careful about who you befriend online, especially if you’re considering sharing anything intimate with them.
To support schools develop effective strategies to understand, prevent and respond to cyberbullying we have launched new cyberbullying guidance along with a practical toolkit for teachers.
One in three internet users between the ages of 12 and 15 say they saw "hate speech" online in the past year, according to Ofcom's latest survey of children's media habits.
It is the first time the UK regulator has posed a question about the topic in its annual study.
The NSPCC charity said the finding was "very worrying", adding such posts should not be tolerated.
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