

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Parents/Carers News

18 July 2016

The Pokémon Go Terms of Service, as published by developer Niantic Labs, include a restrictive forced arbitration clause that both takes away the user’s right to file a lawsuit against Niantic, but also bars the user from joining others in any sort of class action against the company.


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14 July 2016

'Like most apps that work with the GPS in your smartphone, Pokémon Go can tell a lot of things about you based on your movement as you play: where you go, when you went there, how you got there, how long you stayed, and who else was there. And, like many developers who build those apps, Niantic keeps that information'

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01 July 2016

A Facebook group set up to record incidents of racial abuse in the UK has been flooded with a disturbing number of posts.

People of European origin and BAME British people have been increasingly targeted by racists that have come out of the woodwork, seemingly mobilised by the Brexit mandate.

The situation has become so serious that Amnesty International is launching an investigation into hate crimes in post-referendum UK.

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15 June 2016

Insurer Chubb Limited has announced that it will be adding cyber bullying to its homeowners insurance policies. These policies will cover several costs, including those associated with mental health treatment, legal expenses, and lost wages. For many, cyber bullying is a very real issue that can cause significant trauma.

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