

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Naace Impact Award Winner for Leadership

For his commitment to ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for the education sector

What people say about simfin

  • Fantastic & thought-provoking training session from
    @simfin this morning about cyberstalking & domestic abuse. Loads of useful info to help us better support service users experiencing abuse.

    Thanks Durham Council for putting this on.

    Stalking Course Delegate Durham

 Tagged with radicalisation

01 October 2017

An image of an NFL player burning the American flag in a locker room has gone viral despite being completely fake.

The doctored photograph, which has been shared thousands of times on social media, shows Seattle Seahawks defensive end Michael Bennett fervently burning the flag.

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15 June 2017

Let’s Talk About It is an initiative designed to provide practical help and guidance to the public in order to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.

Let’s Talk About It has been created to provide a greater understanding of the support Prevent can offer and to challenge division and negativity in our communities through positive and effective attitude changes. By highlighting the issues and initiating discussions around the potential threats we face as a community, we can create greater understanding and wider awareness.

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09 November 2016

Through bespoke programmes for schools, colleges, universities, private companies and faith groups, Media Cultured aims to tackle issues of racism, radicalisation and misrepresentation through the use of positive role models and clear messages about ‘identity and integration’ within an increasingly multicultural society.

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30 August 2016

KADIZA Sultana, one of the three London schoolgirls who fled to Syria last year, was said to have been disillusioned with life in Isis territory when she was reportedly killed by a Russian airstrike. Kadiza, who was just 16 when she and her friends Shamima Begum and Amira Abase left their Bethnal Green homes, had been radicalised and groomed online into believing that life under Isis would be some kind of religious utopia.

Instead it led to an early death.

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08 August 2016

Launched across Canada in February 2015 and in the UK in July 2016, Extreme Dialogue aims to reduce the appeal of extremism among young people and offer a positive alternative to the increasing amounts of extremist material and propaganda available on the Internet and social media platforms.

A series of short documentary films tell the personal stories of Canadians and Europeans profoundly affected by violent extremism; a former member of the extreme far-right in Canada, a mother from Calgary whose son was killed fighting for ISIS in Syria, a youth worker and former refugee from Somalia, a former member of the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) whose father was killed by the IRA, and a former member of the now banned UK Islamist group al-Muhajiroun.

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