

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Naace Impact Award Winner for Leadership

For his commitment to ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for the education sector

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  • Great presentation tonight from @simfin to make people think.. The Jack Dee of online safety ;-)

    Teacher Hartlepool

 Tagged with radicalisation

07 September 2015

Download the presentations from this event

This CPD event was led by London Grid for Learning's esafety specialists Katy Potts and Penny Patterson, with Guest Speaker Sara Khan

The scope of e-safety is always rapidly changing, and the use of social media and online environments increases contact risks.

This event was aimed at school leaders, senior leadership teams and school child protection leads and content included:

  • How extreme content is seen, shared and becomes viral.
  • The harm caused by the media in warping perceptions of the involvement children and young people in extreme behaviours.
  • The impact on children and young people when exposed to extreme content, such as atrocity videos. Extreme violence becoming normalised.
  • How many forms of harm and abuse, whether radicalisation, sexual abuse, child sexual exploitation, gang membership - all start with a grooming process.
  • How good quality ongoing e-safety, PSHE education etc., is essential in helping children and young people develop their own sense of risk, raise their self-esteem and self-worth.
  • How to recognise and respond to signs of radicalisation of students in your school.


04 June 2015

Extremism is not a new topic in education, but recent events and legislation require schools to be fully apprised with this area. London Grid for Learning have created this resource in partnership with Sara Khan from counter-extremism and women's rights organisation Inspire. She highlights the fact that mainstream Islam and ISIS are worlds apart, and lays out principles that apply equally to all forms of extremism, including the far-right. This resource should not only build professionals' confidence in safeguarding young people, but also help in challenging anti-Muslim sentiment and promote shared values and community cohesion.


The resource

02 December 2014

The UK Safer Internet Centre is taking the unusual step of publishing this special bulletin to all Local

Safeguarding Children Boards due to the unprecedented online threats posed to children across the UK from

radicalisation and extremism. This action follows discussions with colleagues at Home Office and DfE and in

the same way that the Government have raised the threat level, this bulletin aims to mirror this heightening of concern particularly with regards to children.


read more here