

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Naace Impact Award Winner for Leadership

For his commitment to ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for the education sector

What people say about simfin

  • Could I just say on behalf of myself and my head teacher a huge thank you for delivering the e-safety training on Wednesday night.

    One staff member sent me an email to say: "Can I just say how much I enjoyed the training, I thought it was so engaging and relevant. That's the first time I've come out of an e safety training and actually felt directly effected."

    I feel the training was definitely relevant.

    Primary teacher Hartlepool

 Tagged with online safety

08 June 2022

The new interactive website encourages 4-7s to engage safely online by helping them to recognise worrying, upsetting or scary situations and reinforcing the key message that they should ‘Tell A Grown Up’ in these instances.

Read more.

12 February 2020

The Online Harms White Paper set out the intention to improve protections for users online through the introduction of a new duty of care on companies and an independent regulator responsible for overseeing this framework. The White Paper proposed that this regulation follow a proportionate and risk-based approach, and that the duty of care be designed to ensure that all companies have appropriate systems and processes in place to react to concerns over harmful content and improve the safety of their users - from effective complaint mechanisms to transparent decision-making over actions taken in response to reports of harm.

Read the report

07 January 2020


This talk considers the nature of the online threat including the nature of the beast, the suggestion that blaming tech companies is too simplistic, the importance of individual leadership and simple ideas that can make us all safer. Jim Gamble is a former senior police officer and a renowned child protection expert.