

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Naace Impact Award Winner for Leadership

For his commitment to ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for the education sector

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  • the most comprehensive, contemporary resource I've come across, love the design too :-)

 Tagged with how to

18 July 2016

The Pokémon Go Terms of Service, as published by developer Niantic Labs, include a restrictive forced arbitration clause that both takes away the user’s right to file a lawsuit against Niantic, but also bars the user from joining others in any sort of class action against the company.


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05 July 2016

In recent years cyberbullying has overtaken traditional forms of bullying, with 12% of children now experiencing cyberbullying compared to 9% face-to-face (Net Children Go Mobile, 2014).

Cyberbullying is a form of bullying, and can have a significant impact on young people’s mental health and wellbeing and can leave them feeling isolated and lonely. It is critical therefore that teachers and professionals understand cyberbullying and know how to prevent and respond to cyberbullying incidents.

More on this resource is here.

08 June 2016

There’s been quite a bit of chat about the app ooVoo on the helpline recently, particularly in relation to younger user’s safety. With that in mind, we thought the following information might be helpful.

Firstly a bit about the app: It’s a video chat and messaging app, which allows up to 12 people to connect for free. Think Skype or Facetime but with 12 people communicating at the same time. Designed for over 13’s, it promises users the highest quality video calls.

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06 June 2016

WIRED asked a field of password security experts for their favorite unexpected advice, the best practices that might save you the most headache in the long run. Here are seven tips and tricks to keep your digital locks secure.

No, don't make people change their password every month)

Read the article here