

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Naace Impact Award Winner for Leadership

For his commitment to ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for the education sector

What people say about simfin

  • Great session and very impactful! thankyou

    Stalking Course Delegate Durham

 Tagged with how to

21 August 2017

Parental advice on contacting social media sites

It’s so easy for young people to share online, that sometimes they might post something and wish that they hadn’t.

If your child has posted something that they regret on to Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, ooVoo or another site, you should advise them to delete it from their account as quickly as they can.

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15 July 2017

Updated February 2020

 'So you got naked online...' is a resource that helps and advises young people who may find themselves in a situation where they (or a friend) have put a sexting image or video online and have lost control over that content and who it's being shared with.

Whilst there is a lot of advice around preventing these situations in the first place, it is very important to recognise that this does happen and those affected really need support and guidance.

So you got naked online? aims to do just that - it offers children, young people and parents advice and provides strategies to support the issues resulting from sexting incidents.

It's available in Welsh as well as English.

A resource by South West Grid for Learning



03 July 2017

Setting up a profile on a new site or game can seem like a daunting task. Profiles are needed for a variety of sites, from gaming websites and social networking sites to the sites children use for school work. There is plenty to consider, such as choosing the perfect profile picture, creating a memorable password and coming up with a username. All of this may seem even harder when trying to make a safe profile for your child.

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26 June 2017

This location based map allows users to see where in the country their Snapchat contacts are, as well as seeing location based photos and videos. The Snap Map shows a user’s Bitmoji, their cartoon avatar within Snapchat, pinpointed on a world map. Users can then zoom into the map to see the exact location of their friends.

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