

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Naace Impact Award Winner for Leadership

For his commitment to ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for the education sector

What people say about simfin

  • Huge thank you to the always-entertaining @simfin for delivering our staff Online Safety training tonight!

    Tweet Primary School

 Tagged with how to

21 May 2015

The UK Safer Internet Centre have now produced and published three brand new checklists – for Twitter, Snapchat & Instagram, with the same style and format as their hugely popular Facebook checklist. (via Kent esafety)

Read more at Kent Esafety.

13 April 2015

Want to connect with your students in and out of the classroom? Consider bringing Facebook into your class as a collaborative tool. We all know that most kids, or at least those in the pre-teen and up category, are locked into many forms of social media. Instead of fighting it, why not meet them where they are, and use the benefits of Facebook to communicate and increase involvement?

More here.

31 March 2015

The h2bsafer (how to be safer) hub is designed to provide you with information and advice that is easy to access and simple to understand. Use the short videos and step-by-step prompt cards to ensure you have a safer online experience.

The content is compiled and kept up to date by h2bsafer advisers, who work closely with the trust and safety teams of popular social media platforms.

Read more

20 March 2015

This guide has been developed for professionals who work with young people to help them understand what constitutes abusive behaviour online, the consequences of that behaviour, and where they can get help. The guide applies to professionals working in England and Wales.

Download here.