

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Naace Impact Award Winner for Leadership

For his commitment to ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for the education sector

What people say about simfin

  • ..Training first thing on a Monday morning... full of yawns and regrets as it was lovely and sunny outdoors... however Simon made the training interesting, engaging and most of all relevant to the work I do :-) 

    LSCB delegate 2014 Redcar and Cleveland

 Tagged with gender

11 March 2014

Lyndsey Scott is a New York City model working for Prada, Gucci and Victoria's Secret. She's also an iOS programmer with two apps she created available in the Apple store.

The self-described "geek model" started programming in middle school and does not see any contradiction between her careers in fashion and the tech world.


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02 September 2013

Attitudes around, gender, stereotyping and double standards on social media are complex and hard to change. This powerful video by a 13 year old girl is articulate, engaging and poses a great many questions that could be useful in supporting our own young people.