

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Naace Impact Award Winner for Leadership

For his commitment to ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for the education sector

What people say about simfin

  • I have heard nothing but positive comments from staff at all the levels in the room, such as:

    • "the guy was fantastic"
    • "excellent presenter, excellent presentation"
    • "as a parent of teenagers, this was priceless free advice - brilliant"
    Work Based Training Provider 2011

 Tagged with gender

21 February 2019

Jess Glynne's Thursday is a hymn to self-acceptance that shares its DNA with TLC's Unpretty and Christina Aguilera's Beautiful - and her staging of the song at the Brits was particularly powerful.

The singer stared down the barrel of the camera, removing her fake eyelashes and wiping off eye make-up while singing the lyrics: "I won't wear makeup on Thursday / 'Cause who I am is enough".

She was soon joined by dozens of other women, including US singer H.E.R, who simultaneously removed their make-up, and stood quietly in solidarity across the stage.













15 January 2019

For three decades, Gillette promised its customers “The Best a Man Can Get.”

An individual. Acquisitive. Assertive. And always clean-shaven.

Now, Procter & Gamble, the maker of Gillette, is out with a new ad, “We Believe,” that challenges the image of masculinity it once promoted. has ignited a debate about gender and cultural branding, as well as about the power exercised by multinational corporations in shaping evolving ideas about family and relationships in the #MeToo era.

28 September 2015

Google Ideas is a think tank specifically dedicated to supporting free expression while fighting harassment. Google posted a picture of the mena dn women working on the project and there followed racist, sexist, hate filled replies via Twitter.

Full story here (Be aware the language is offensive)