

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Naace Impact Award Winner for Leadership

For his commitment to ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for the education sector

What people say about simfin

  • the most comprehensive, contemporary resource I've come across, love the design too :-)

 Tagged with uksic

31 January 2024

Educational Resources
To help schools, youth groups, police services, libraries and others run fun and engaging activities for Safer Internet Day here are education resources.

Free to download, these engaging resources are tailored for 3-18 year olds and are designed to support educators in delivering messages about the campaign theme of change online.

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11 February 2019

How do young people understand and practice consent online? This report reveals just how integral sharing and viewing online content is to young people’s lives, and how vital it is that we all understand the needs that young people have in navigating how to ask, give and receive permission online.

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02 October 2017

This draft document explores key questions in the form of a checklist to help educational settings ensure the maximum impact of online safety sessions.

The guidance highlights a range of resources which can be used to support educational setting to develop a whole setting approach towards online safety in line with national guidance. The document can be used to facilitate conversations between educational settings and external visitors to develop children and young people’s digital literacy skills and parental awareness.

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29 August 2017

Key advice for those working in the health sector - including GPs, school and community nurses and child and adolescent mental health professionals - to help them understand the impact of digital technologies on young people and their mental health in particular.

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