

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Naace Impact Award Winner for Leadership

For his commitment to ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for the education sector

What people say about simfin

  • I'm one of the y8 pupils and I just wanted to say thank you, your slides were really good and when I got home I deleted my other facebook account and made a new one with only REAL friends, I have started to focus on people I am Really friends with, that was the best E-safety speech I've heard 

 Tagged with social media

20 January 2016

To remind viewers to not use their phones while driving, Volkswagen has unveiled a series of clever ads that uses the logos of popular social media networks. 


The posters feature the likes of Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat, however their names have been altered to describe what would happen to a driver in a car accident. 


For example, Facebook was changed to “Facebroken”, Instagram became “Instagrave”, while Snapchat turned into “Snapneck”. 

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19 January 2016

If you’re worried about anything you or your child come across online, you should report it immediately to the relevant organisation and to the site where you or your child saw it.


The links take you directly to the report pages of organisations who can offer advice. You can also report problems directly to social networking sites.


Learn more here

14 January 2016

In September 2015 the National Police Chief Council released a statement on the procedure they have to take when a ‘sexting’ incident is reported to the police. As a result South West Grid for Learning and the UK Safer Internet Centre have updated their advice for schools when responding and managing a sexting incident into two infographics.


Access the infographics here



13 January 2016

Employers can read workers' private messages sent via chat software and webmail accounts during working hours, judges have ruled.

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) said a firm that read a worker's Yahoo Messenger chats sent while he was at work was within its rights.


Read more here

10 December 2015

'We’re not talking about endless photos of your dinner, a running commentary about your gym sessions or the oversharing of how good or bad your latest relationship is going. Here we discuss things that REALLY shouldn’t be on social media or risk serious privacy ramifications.'

Read the article here.