

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Naace Impact Award Winner for Leadership

For his commitment to ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for the education sector

What people say about simfin

  • I could have stayed to listen all day

    Delegate Middlesbrough

 Tagged with social media

06 June 2016

ENABLE (European Network Against Bullying in Learning and Leisure Environments) is an EU-funded project which combats bullying and contributes to the well-being of young people aged 11-14 through a unique blend of social and emotional development and peer education.

ENABLE takes a holistic and sustainable approach to reducing bullying through involving students, staff and parents/ carers.

The target audience for ENABLE is young people aged 11-14 although the programme can be adapted for use by other ages. The ENABLE partner countries are the UK, Denmark, Croatia, Belgium and Greece. Find out more


Watch the video here 


and access resources for schools here

29 February 2016
For creators, reshooting a scene for the tiniest bloopers is one of the more annoying (and cost-consuming) aspects of filming. Today, YouTube wants to help fix that by letting you blur any part of the video before it makes it to the public Web.
The concept isn’t entirely new – in 2012, YouTube launched a face blurring tool to help anonymize people in videos. With today’s update, users can blur out any section of the video – be it unwanted license plates, visible phone numbers, wardrobe malfunctions, disturbing imagery, or the like.
19 February 2016

Facebook is rolling out a new feature across the UK to help users who feel suicidal.
The Suicide Prevention tool has been developed in connection with the Samaritans.
It aims to try and provide advice and support for those struggling to cope, as well as for their friends and family.
People can now report posts they are worried about in a more direct way.

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19 February 2016

Not everything online is evil, nor does danger lurk behind every new app that comes to market. But keeping up with your teens' and preteens' online activities is much like trying to nail jelly to the barn door -- frustrating, futile and something bound to make you feel inept.

Keep in mind that no app poses a danger in and of itself, but many do provide kids with an opportunity to make, ahem, bad choices.

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