

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Naace Impact Award Winner for Leadership

For his commitment to ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for the education sector

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  • Thank you very much. Very informative and I enjoyed your presenting style.

    Doctor Cleveland

 Tagged with social media

08 July 2019

An overview of data on child abuse online.

Key findings from 2019

year on year increases in the numbers and rates of police-recorded online child sexual offences in England and Wales and Northern Ireland

increases in police-recorded offences of obscene publications or indecent photos in all four UK nations over the last five years

increases in the number of URLs confirmed by the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) as containing child sexual abuse imagery since 2015

less than half of children aged 12 to 15 say they know how to change their settings to control who can view their social media

the majority of parents, carers and members of the public agree that social networks should have a legal responsibility to keep children safe on their platforms.

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03 July 2019

Video-sharing app TikTok says it is "sorry" that some children and other young people have felt pressured into sending money to their favourite influencers on the app.

TikTok lets fans send their favourite videomakers "digital gifts", which can cost up to £48.99.


'Claire, 12, who lives in the north-west of England, sent TikTok star Sebastian Moy a £48.99 "drama queen" gift to show her appreciation for his videos.'


12 years old.


The company says it is most popular with 16- to 24-year-olds but there is evidence that many users are under 13, which is against the app's rules.


Rhys, 20 said he had spent more than £1,000 without realising it.

"Gifting on TikTok is a little bit like gambling," he said "It gets addictive. I really didn't see anything wrong with it at the time but now I don't think it's worth it.

"I have nothing to show for it.


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26 June 2019

This briefing advocates for a broader recognition of young people’s investments in digital intimacies, acknowledging what growing up and learning about sex in the digital age means for young people in order to inform future policy
and practice.

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30 May 2019

Online Nation is a new annual report that looks at what people are doing online, how they are served by online content providers and platforms, and their attitudes to and experiences of using the internet. It brings the relevant research into a single place and aims to act as a data- and insight driven resource for stakeholders at a time of significant evolution in the online landscape.

Read the report