

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Naace Impact Award Winner for Leadership

For his commitment to ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for the education sector

What people say about simfin

  • Brilliant facilitator, very interesting.

    delegate Gateshead

 Tagged with privacy

27 April 2018

What is 'bait out'?
"Bait out" pages are online groups or pages that invite users to share nude images, videos or sexual gossip about others, according to Childnet .

Users are often only allowed access to the group or page once they have shared such content.

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10 April 2018

While Facebook desperately tightens controls over how third parties access its users' data - trying to mend its damaged reputation - attention is focusing on the wider issue of data harvesting and the threat it poses to our personal privacy.

Data harvesting is a multibillion dollar industry and the sobering truth is that you many never know just how much data companies hold about you, or how to delete it.

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20 March 2018

It's a sensational story containing allegations of sleaze, psychological manipulation and data misuse that has provoked an internationally furious response.

Tech giant Facebook and data analytics firm Cambridge Analytica are at the centre of a dispute over the harvesting and use of personal data - and whether it was used to influence the outcome of the US 2016 presidential election or the UK Brexit referendum.

Both firms deny any wrongdoing.



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24 January 2018

The UK's Revenge Porn Helpline has seen huge year-on-year increase in reported incidents since it was launched in 2015.

The hotline received just over 500 reports in 2015 and more than 2000 in 2017.

Once someone has a photo or video of you, it's very hard to control what happens to it.

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