

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Naace Impact Award Winner for Leadership

For his commitment to ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for the education sector

What people say about simfin

  • Thank you Simon!! So enlightening

    Online safety conference delegate Online

 Tagged with online bullying

05 October 2015

Nearly half of teenagers surveyed in new study stated cyberbullying is bigger problem than drug abuse and as many as one in five teenagers has been subjected to cyberbullying, a study has found.

Read the article here

30 October 2013

The article in The Guardian contains some strong and abusive language and shows how James Blunt is beating the online bullies. This would be a useful resource to use with older students.


Read the article here

02 September 2013

Attitudes around, gender, stereotyping and double standards on social media are complex and hard to change. This powerful video by a 13 year old girl is articulate, engaging and poses a great many questions that could be useful in supporting our own young people.


09 August 2013

These call out cards cover many of the common and important areas of digital citizenship including textual harrassment. Perhaps your students could create further examples for their own use?

See the cards here