

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Naace Impact Award Winner for Leadership

For his commitment to ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for the education sector

What people say about simfin

  • Great, informative session that has prepared me better for my role as a specialist teacher.

    lscb Course delegate Gateshead

 Tagged with esecurity

20 February 2023

In a blog post, Twitter said that it will only allow accounts that subscribe to its premium Twitter Blue feature to use text message-based 2FA. Twitter users that don’t switch to a different type of two-factor authentication will have the feature removed from their accounts by March 20.

That means that anyone who relies on Twitter sending a text message code to their phone to log in will have their 2FA switched off, allowing anyone to access their accounts with just a password. If you have an easily guessable Twitter password or use that same password on another site or service, you should take action sooner rather than later.

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20 May 2020

Everyone needs a password manager. Period, full stop. It's the only possible way to maintain unique, hard-to-guess credentials for every secure site you, your family members, and your team access daily.

The 15 programs listed in this guide share many core features.

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15 May 2017

Reducing The Impact

This is a National Cyber Security Resource

Most cyber attacks are composed of four stages: Survey, Delivery, Breach and Affect. The following security controls, applied at each stage of an attack, can reduce your organisation’s exposure to a successful cyber attack.

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13 June 2016

'No, you can’t win tickets for Radio 1’s Big Weekend festival by liking a Facebook page. It’s not true that there are free business-class flights being given away by Qantas Air. And no, TV show Total Wipeout isn’t bringing a tour to your local city. But all three are recent examples of convincing scams on Facebook where fraudsters pretending to be trusted brands have mocked up pages in search of likes, comments, shares and more from unwitting users.'


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