Dr Tamasine Preece gives insight about the power that YouTubers now have on children who look to them for advice on issues they’re most concerned about.
Tagged with Youtube
The Canadian Centre for Child Protection, which is behind the campaign, said it’s seen an 89% increase in so-called “sextortion” cases among teenage boys over the last two years.
It’s 10 years since Charlie bit his brother Harry’s finger, catapulting them to YouTube fame.
Understandably, they have changed quite a lot since they found notoriety in one of the earliest internet viral videos.
So where are they now?
Here’s what to watch out for in Pokémon GO:
1. Age Rating - PEGI, ESRB, Google Play, App Store
2. Unexpected Costs - In-App Purchases, Data Usage
3. Stranger Danger - Lures, Location and Awareness
4. Physical Dangers - Traffic, Obstacles and Navigating
5. Personal Data Dangers - Shared Location, Name, Data
6. Lost Children - Maps, Routes, Location
Today is Day 1 of a Thinkyouknow Parents and Carers three month campaign, and we are excited to introduce our first new resource entitled “The world changes. Children don’t”.
This short film that tells the age-old story of Romeo and Juliet... with a modern twist. It shows how the lives of these young lovers might play out online today, including the Lark ‘tweeting’ and Romeo ‘friending’ Juliet.
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