

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Naace Impact Award Winner for Leadership

For his commitment to ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for the education sector

What people say about simfin

  • Very honest and thought provoking presentation about internet safety and safeguarding our children. Would highly recommend!

    Parent Primary School

 Tagged with Safeguarding

16 May 2023

When Leif started playing Roblox, he began asking for robux - the game's currency - that allows players to upgrade their character or buy virtual items. So his grandparents gave him $200 (£159) Apple credit for Christmas.

"To my shock, he spent all of it in a matter of days," says Ms Ward. "After that, I gave him no more than $10 worth of robux per month. He quickly became frustrated and bored with the game."

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13 March 2023

Tate’s views may appeal to teenagers, but he is currently detained, awaiting trial for rape and human trafficking. He denies all allegations, and has pledged $100m (£85m) to start a charity in his will for men faced with false accusations.

Tate was banned from Twitter for saying women should “bear responsibility” for being raped.

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