

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

 Tagged with Google

22 July 2019

YouTube changed today.

The digital video platform, which has battled repeated negative headlines in the last two years, published new terms of service for its users in the European Union and Switzerland last month. Hardly anyone noticed.

The new terms of service for European users also make clearer the requirement for users of the website to be 13 years old or older, otherwise their parents bear the responsibility for their actions


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06 June 2016

'Every time you do a voice search, Google records it. And if you’re an Android user, every time you say “Ok Google,” the company records that, too. Don’t freak out, though, because Google lets you hear (and delete) these recordings. Here’s how'


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28 September 2015

Google Ideas is a think tank specifically dedicated to supporting free expression while fighting harassment. Google posted a picture of the mena dn women working on the project and there followed racist, sexist, hate filled replies via Twitter.

Full story here (Be aware the language is offensive)