

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Parents/Carers News

04 August 2014

'Google has revealed the identity of a user after discovering child abuse imagery in the man's Gmail account ...

It alerted a child protection agency, which notified the police and the man was arrested,..

The arrest raises questions over the privacy of personal email and Google's role in policing the web...

Google also refused to say whether it searched its users' Gmail content for other illegal activity, such as pirated content or hate speech.''

Read the article here.

31 July 2014

 A schoolgirl has received a police caution after texting an explicit photograph of herself to her boyfriend, it has emerged.

The teenager sent the image via her phone, but after the couple had a row, he forwarded it to his friends.

Police were called in because she was under the age of 18 and therefore both were committing an offence of distributing an indecent image of a child.


Read the article here.

30 July 2014

Most Australian youngsters believe their parents are oblivious to their web activities, while some admit to making fake social media profiles and fudging browser histories to deceive tech-savvy ones, a new report shows.

Seventy per cent of children aged between 8 and 17 said their parents did not know about all their internet activities, a survey involving 1000 tweens and teens by cyber security firm McAfee shows.

Read the article here.

30 July 2014

Reliable mobile phone signal is the number one priority for young home buyers, ahead of worries about crime levels, transport links and schools, according to new research.

Just under half of 18-35 year-olds said having a good mobile signal was their most important consideration when considering whether to buy a new home, compared to 26 per cent of those aged 55 and over.

Read the article here

21 July 2014

'.In a discussion of zero-knowledge systems whose operators can't spy on you even if they want to, Snowden reminds us that Dropbox is an NSA surveillance target cited in the original Prism leaks, and that the company has since added Condoleeza Rice, "probably the most anti-privacy official we can imagine," to its Board of Directors.'

Read the article here.