

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Naace Impact Award Winner for Leadership

For his commitment to ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for the education sector

What people say about simfin

  • Brilliant feedback from our Year 5 Parents and Carers who joined us today with our online safety expert @simfin
    100% would recommend this session.
    100% found the session extremely useful.

    Teacher Primary School

 Tagged with social media

31 March 2015

The h2bsafer (how to be safer) hub is designed to provide you with information and advice that is easy to access and simple to understand. Use the short videos and step-by-step prompt cards to ensure you have a safer online experience.

The content is compiled and kept up to date by h2bsafer advisers, who work closely with the trust and safety teams of popular social media platforms.

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16 February 2015

A thoughtful piece of writing on the public shaming of those who make foolish, naive and ignorant posts - and their subsequent, questionably deserved, downfall. Read the New York Times article here.

05 February 2015

We're all pretty new to all this social networking malarkey, where an unprecedented amount of personal amount of information about our lives is readily available to see on the Internet by our friends, employers, in some cases even strangers.

And it's this information that has led to a whole host of new and different ways we can inadvertently land ourselves in trouble. We're not talking about being the victim of scams or Internet crime, which is another subject in itself... but here we discuss getting ourselves into trouble with the people we share our lives with.

Read more here.

09 January 2015

A teenager writes; 'I read technology articles quite often and see plenty of authors attempt to dissect or describe the teenage audience, especially in regards to social media. However, I have yet to see a teenager contribute their voice to this discussion. This is where I would like to provide my own humble opinion.'

You can read more Here