

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Naace Impact Award Winner for Leadership

For his commitment to ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for the education sector

What people say about simfin

  • I'm one of the y8 pupils and I just wanted to say thank you, your slides were really good and when I got home I deleted my other facebook account and made a new one with only REAL friends, I have started to focus on people I am Really friends with, that was the best E-safety speech I've heard 

 Tagged with resource

04 January 2017

A bleak film which tells the story of how teenager Kayleigh Haywood was groomed online by a stranger and then brutally raped and murdered has been released by police.

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21 November 2016

This three-episode animated series and accompanying resource pack aims to help eight-to-ten year olds learn how to stay safe from sexual abuse, exploitation and other risks they might encounter online such as sharing content.

You will need to be registered on the Thinkyouknow site to access the resource.