

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Naace Impact Award Winner for Leadership

For his commitment to ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for the education sector

What people say about simfin

  • @simfin - absolutely bloomin' amazing!!! He should be heading up @educationgovuk #esafety policy/training!

    Conference Chair brighton

 Tagged with gender

03 October 2023

Young TikTok users in the UK have viewed videos that promote deadly and illegal bodybuilding drugs 89m times, a report has found.

The report, titled TikTok’s Toxic Trade, by the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), looks into the promotion of bodybuilding drugs and a rise in toxic content aimed at young men.

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27 September 2023

Following Andrew Tate’s rise to prominence on social media platforms like TikTok, many have expressed concern about the impact that his misogynistic views are having on boys and young men. A YouGov study in May examined attitudes among young men towards Tate and his beliefs, and now a new YouGov Children’s Omnibus survey does the same for boys.

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31 August 2023


Evidence that dozens of women were groomed into online sex work by members of influencer Andrew Tate's "War Room" group has been uncovered by the BBC.

Leaked internal chat logs identify 45 potential victims between March 2019 and April 2020 but the total number is likely to be higher.

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20 June 2023

Andrew Tate has been charged in Romania with rape, human trafficking and forming an organised crime group to sexually exploit women.

There are also separate charges still under investigation which could lead to a separate indictment, including money laundering and trafficking of minors.

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11 April 2023

A successful female gamer has spoken about the trauma of discovering deepfake online porn of herself and the urgent and costly moves needed to remove it.

Sunpi, who has over 117,000 YouTube followers, told The Independent that she was forced to spend about £500 on legal fees to get the content taken down.

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13 March 2023

Tate’s views may appeal to teenagers, but he is currently detained, awaiting trial for rape and human trafficking. He denies all allegations, and has pledged $100m (£85m) to start a charity in his will for men faced with false accusations.

Tate was banned from Twitter for saying women should “bear responsibility” for being raped.

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