

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Naace Impact Award Winner for Leadership

For his commitment to ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for the education sector

What people say about simfin

  • Could I just say on behalf of myself and my head teacher a huge thank you for delivering the e-safety training on Wednesday night.

    One staff member sent me an email to say: "Can I just say how much I enjoyed the training, I thought it was so engaging and relevant. That's the first time I've come out of an e safety training and actually felt directly effected."

    I feel the training was definitely relevant.

    Primary teacher Hartlepool

 Tagged with article

10 December 2018

A House of Commons committee has announced plans to investigate the growth of “immersive and addictive technologies”, to advise the government on how to create policy and regulation that can protect the public from the negative effects of digitisation and “gamification”.

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03 December 2018

An academy has apologised to parents and pupils after a 16-year-old logged into a school laptop and downloaded pupils' personal data and shared it.

The boy, who attends Ormiston Rivers Academy in Burnham-on-Crouch, Essex, obtained the details of Year 11 pupils after using a teacher's laptop.

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28 November 2018

A bank customer was tricked into transferring money by fraudsters who pretended to be responding to his angry Twitter post about poor service.

Writer Mike Tinmouth was furious with the process and time taken to open a business account with Barclays.

He expressed his frustration in a public tweet - which was seized on by fraudsters who posed as the bank in an attempt to trick him out of £8,000.

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