

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Naace Impact Award Winner for Leadership

For his commitment to ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for the education sector

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  • Thank you once again for your thorough and thought-provoking talk. It’s not often that seminars make me see things from a totally different perspective and want to do something about it straight away.

    Parent Independent school

 Tagged with Safeguarding

22 June 2020

On Wednesday 17 June 2020, the Department for Education (DfE) published updated ‘Keeping children safe in education’ (KCSIE) guidance ready for implementation from Tuesday 1 September 2020.

The Education People has produced a summary of key online safety requirements and changes within KCSIE 2020.

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Andrew Hall, respected safeguarding specialist, has created a video outlining his understanding of, and response to, the changes to the KCSIE requirements. You can watch the video here.

LGFL has shared a 'tracked changes' document here.


12 March 2020

A blog by the ICO

'We’ve issued two reprimands, which are legal warnings, recently to schools for wrongly disclosing the personal data of children.

In the first case a class photograph, sent to a local newspaper by a Cheshire primary school, included the images of two pupils whose adoptive parents had refused consent for their children’s images to be shared'

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08 March 2020

'One day, just after I had dropped my son off at school, I was sent a horrific video on WhatsApp. It made me question how images and videos of child sex abuse come to be made, and how they can be openly circulated on social media. And I wanted one answer above all - what happened to the boy in the video?'

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07 January 2020

More than 6,000 children under 14 have been investigated by police for sexting offences in the past three years, including more than 300 of primary school age.

Figures disclosed by 27 police forces in England and Wales revealed 306 cases of children under 10, including some as young as four, being investigated on suspicion of taking or sharing indecent images of themselves or other minors since 2017.

Critics say children are being given police records for behaviour they do not fully understand.

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