

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Naace Impact Award Winner for Leadership

For his commitment to ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for the education sector

What people say about simfin

  • Great training, very informative from a policing perspective. Thank you Simon

    Police NE England

 Tagged with SWGFL

16 November 2020

Report Harmful Content is provided by UK Safer Internet Centre and operated by SWGfL.

UK Safer Internet Centre is a partnership of three leading organisations with one mission - to promote the safe and responsible use of technology for young people. The partnership was appointed by the European Commission as the Safer Internet Centre for the UK in January 2011 and is one of 31 Safer Internet Centres in the Insafe network.

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23 July 2020

The Professionals Online Safety helpline (POSH) has teamed up with HeadStart Kernow to help create a new Online Resilience Tool.

Much like the Brook Traffic Light Tool, The Online Resilience Tool provides a practical way for professionals to assess young people’s online behaviour and help them make decisions about whether that behaviour represents risk of harm.

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22 June 2016

'The Department for Education published their revised ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ statutory guidance on May 26th ahead of its activation on 5th September 2016. This is relevant to schools and colleges across England and introduces a number of notable changes and updates with regards online safety.

Given the guidance is 75 pages in length, SWGfL, as part of UK Safer Internet Centre, has helpfully highlighted the revised changes, together with what this may mean. Alongside most references, we have also signposted resources and services that may help. Simply skip through the Prezi to highlight the references, interpretation and associated resources.'


The resource is here


The most recent revision of the document is here



01 December 2015

These free materials are designed to empower pupils and students to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world. Find the lessons that are just right for your classroom.

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