

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Naace Impact Award Winner for Leadership

For his commitment to ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for the education sector

What people say about simfin

  • Rarely have I taken part in truly mind changing training, but today (we) were well and truly schooled by Simon Finch.. funny man with an important and sobering message about how to be safer online. He has left us with so many ideas and real motivation to get some resources designed for the very vulnerable young people and families we work with.

    Charity founder Newcastle upon Tyne

 Tagged with Privacy

25 October 2019

Stalkerware - also known as spouseware - are powerful surveillance software programs typically sold openly online.

On a device, all messages can be read, screen activity recorded, GPS locations tracked and cameras used to spy on what an individual is doing.

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14 August 2019

Facebook secretly employed hundreds of contractors to listen to clips of its addicts' private voice calls to transcribe parts of conversations its AI software couldn't understand.

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13 August 2019

Yet another armed police force has been called in on yet another unsuspecting victim, as the recently crowned Fortnite world champion took a break from a livestream to deal with a swatting incident at his own front door.

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22 July 2019

YouTube changed today.

The digital video platform, which has battled repeated negative headlines in the last two years, published new terms of service for its users in the European Union and Switzerland last month. Hardly anyone noticed.

The new terms of service for European users also make clearer the requirement for users of the website to be 13 years old or older, otherwise their parents bear the responsibility for their actions


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26 June 2019

This briefing advocates for a broader recognition of young people’s investments in digital intimacies, acknowledging what growing up and learning about sex in the digital age means for young people in order to inform future policy
and practice.

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