

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Naace Impact Award Winner for Leadership

For his commitment to ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for the education sector

What people say about simfin

  • Thought provoking, informative and you make me double check my thought process.

    Teacher Special School

 Tagged with LGFL

20 April 2021

It's never easy to know how to keep our children safe when they aren't with us, and sometimes even when are, if we don't know what's happening on their devices. Who are they talking to, what are they doing, are they okay? If you need help to find some answers, don't despair...scroll through this page for help or click to go straight to the topics or help section.

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13 July 2018

40,000 pupils took part in this year's LGfL DigiSafe pupil online-safety survey about their online lives. We found out what they love and what they hate, what really goes on behind closed screens, and who they trust when things go wrong. Discover what we learned and what it means for schools, parents, industry and government in our new report, 'Hopes & Streams'.

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