DfE guidance supporting schools to teach their pupils how to stay safe online,within new and existing school subjects
Tagged with DfE
The Safer Recruitment Consortium have updated the Guidance for Safer Working Practices.
Statutory guidance for schools and colleges on safeguarding children and safer recruitment.
'We have published the guidance dated 3 September 2018 for information only. Until 3 September 2018, schools and colleges must continue to use the current statutory guidance dated September 2016.'
LGFL have produced a Tracked Changes document to help you.
Andrew Hall has provided a very clear summary of changes and 'What Next?' guide. You can access these here
There’s a person attached to every body, respect both.
Healthy relationships are all about respecting each other. You should feel loved, safe and free to be yourself.
But disrespectful and unacceptable behaviour can come in many forms. It isn’t limited to just physical behaviour; it can also go way beyond that. For example, it’s not OK for someone to try and pressure you into sending a nude pic, or to expect the same things to happen that they’ve seen in a porn film. If someone makes you do something you don’t want to, makes you feel scared, intimidated or tries controlling you, it’s not acceptable and is never OK.
Read up on the different types of abuse, get advice and have a look at the organisations that can help.
This document was updated June 2020.
A clear and concise document from UK Council for Child Internet Safety to help school governors understand their responsibility in terms of safeguarding the students in their care.
Read the document here
This guidance applies to all schools and is for:
headteachers, teachers and education staff
governing bodies, proprietors and management committees
It sets out what schools and colleges must do to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people under the age of 18.
Swgfl have produced two useful documents for schools about filtering and monitoring in light of the DfE guidance. These can be found here
And a useful presentation indicating the relevant changes made to the guidance. This can be found here.
There is also a useful summary article by Becki Avery of Kent County Council which can be found here
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